Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation December 6

Poverty  December 6

(The vow of poverty) makes us more free and available for love of God and solidarity with our neighbor (Congolese Regional Statutes, Intro. 1.16).

Our religious life gives special witness to the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus.  In Jesus Risen, one sees the whole rationale for a commitment to the vows.  He is the revelation of an abundant life, a filled-up heart, a happy destiny already achieved.  He inspires self-abandonment in the complete confidence that no one loses anything valuable in following him.  Quite the contrary, neglecting him means compromising, in the end, real happiness.  His death symbolizes victory over all the limits of human existence and over all the fears connected with them.  This is the faith that supports a life of Gospel poverty.  Where the human heart fears the loss of all security, the Resurrection reveals a Providence faithfully caring for those who seek first the Kingdom of God.  The Resurrection calms the frantic search for an assured life.  Responding to this mystery by their poverty, religious, like people already risen, can heroically live a style of life without worry about their material well-being.  They leave behind concern for the goods of a world that is passing away and accept Christ as their real treasure.  This is not a question of denying basic human needs.  Living in this way as religious directs others’ attention to where they should go with confidence to satisfy those needs abundantly.

The hen doesn’t have milk, but she feeds her chicks with the warmth of her body.  (Tanzania)

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