Friday, March 10, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation March 10

Glorious Cross  March 10

The heart of our charism, the Paschal Mystery, commits us to rejoice in our positive experiences and to accept and make beneficial the difficulties of our personal and community lives, remaining faithful to the following of Christ (Congolese Regional Statutes, Intro. 1.1).

To participate in the Paschal Mystery is to submit to the redemptive activity of God.  It is to experience the Cross.  The Cross consists first in the suffering resulting from witness as a disciple to Jesus.  As for him, the Cross is experienced also in the trials of life, the difficult circumstances we do not choose, but which we inherit because of personal and communal sin.  These are sufferings to overcome or to endure until the return of Christ.  The Cross can also result from willing acceptance of acts of penance and mortification that try to compensate for the evil we have done or to reorient our badly managed tendencies.  To submit to the assaults of the Cross, in the end, brings our personal and our communal lives into the glory of Christ.  The Cross is a participation already in the resurrection of Jesus, evidence of the fertility of his death and the reason for our hope.

If God does not strike you to fashion you, you will not grow up.  (Mali)

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