Saturday, April 1, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation April 1

Glorious Cross  April 1

The life of Christ, from his first announcement of the Kingdom of Heaven to his final offering of himself in death, is the first source of our apostolic inspiration for our apostolic activity (Const. 20.1).

As ambassadors of Christ, we present ourselves in the world as the delegates of his interests.  He has manifested them in his prophetic words and signs, the most prominent of which are his death and resurrection.  The words of Christ are occupied with the Kingdom of God, to which conversion is the port of entry.  His parables in particular clarify the meaning of the Kingdom:  hidden as leaven, having the value of a pearl of great price, open to the whole world.  But it is the language of his death and resurrection that proclaim it most definitively.  Besides his words, the works of Christ and, again, particularly the work of his death and resurrection, which was accomplished to touch people of faith in their sufferings.  Jesus’ death and resurrection invite others to accept the saving presence of the Kingdom.  As ambassadors of Christ, whatever our works and deeds, we wish to reveal the same.  Indeed, the lifting up the Glorious Cross, as for Jesus, gives the most clear meaning to what we say and do in his name.

Two breasts nurse a baby to give it the strength to play.  (Beti)

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