Friday, April 21, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation April 21

Glorious Cross  April 21

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who . . . was crucified, died and was buried, rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father? (Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Easter Vigil).

The most primitive material of the New Testament consists of the stories of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.  Having experienced the Risen Christ, Christians began to collect the stories about his suffering and his resurrection for the work of evangelization and catechesis in the community.  The other stories about his birth and public ministry were also gathered and developed to support the proclamation of the Paschal Mystery.  After the death of the Apostles, certain disciples, inspired by the Spirit, wrote down the central and supporting traditions in order to have them in permanent form.  Thus, the Church from the beginning proposed as essential to the Good News (“kerygma”) that Jesus, crucified for the sins of the world, was raised up as Lord by the power of God.  To this message people should respond by conversion and faith.  And that remains the call.  To be converted means to let oneself be touched by the love of the Cross to the point of a radical reorientation of life.  To believe means to live by the light of the Paschal Mystery and count only on Christ for one’s happiness.  This is the Christian profession of faith.

No one builds a new house without using old bamboo.  (Bamileke)

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