Saturday, November 25, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation November 25

Liturgy  November 25

That (the candidate) be able to develop in himself a sensitivity for the presence of God . . . (Const. 23.6.b).

The Christian goes to liturgy because there is something to thank God for.  The liturgy, whether Eucharist, the other Sacraments or the Hours, is fundamentally a celebration of thanksgiving for God’s activity in the life of the believer.  What is it that God reveals to each?  For the Israelite, God is the One who created and governs the universe.  God is not physical and cannot be represented in images.  God is completely Other than creation, incomprehensible, three times Holy, whose name is unpronounceable.  But in God’s love for human beings, God is always close like a savior or a spouse, a mother or father, a rock or fortress, an eagle or shepherd.  For the Christian, God is known as the God of Israel, the heavenly Father, now fully revealed in the incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the perfect image of God who is Love.  The Christian looks to the parables and acts of Jesus to know God and particularly to his Death and Resurrection that reconciled the world to God.  But God is revealed also as Spirit who assures the realization of the Kingdom of God in Christ.  So, for the Christian, God is Trinity, active in the world from the beginning of creation until the end of human history.  It is this Trinitarian God who is present as the Benefactor of the life of the Christian, who gives thanks.

No one is greater than the one who walks ahead.  The best chief is the one who rules.  (Shi)

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