Saturday, May 13, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation May 13

Glorious Cross  May 13

In him a new age has dawned, the long reign of sin is ended, a broken world has been renewed and humanity is once again made whole (IV Preface of Easter).
Through their sin, Adam and Eve lost the opportunity to give birth on the earth to a joyous family, enjoying the fullness of its life.  What a shame that the fruit of their union inherited their tendency to spoil the project.  For that reason, after the Death and Resurrection of Christ, the community of the Church seriously occupied itself with marriage.  Jesus poured out his spirit on the world, inspiring the hope of a new earth and a new heaven.  He reversed the damage of the first parents and opened the possibility of a human family full of grace.  At each Christian marriage, we see with the eyes of faith the potential for the restart of the original project.  Christ is there, signaling by the love of the couple his own love for the Church and the world.  With the exchange of their vows, the couple makes sacramentally present and efficacious for the community the Cross’ promise of fruitfulness in the messianic marriage feast.  The couple symbolizes the new beginning in Christ and, even more, they receive the grace to act differently than Adam and Eve.  What hope comes with every Christian marriage!  What dreams are revived!  In the mystery of salvation, the couple can be the new Adam and the new Eve for the regeneration of the new humanity!  Christ is risen!

We marry important people and thus become important.  (Luba)

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