The goal of formation is form true disciples of Christ . . . who live in the tradition . . . of the Glorious Cross (Congo Regional Statutes, Intro. 2.1).
“Disciples of Christ in the Tradition of the Glorious Cross” could serve as a good alternative name for the Order. It is a sign of religious maturity to identify with the glorious dimension of Christ’s Paschal Mystery and commit to it as a compassionate bearer of its hope. The way toward such maturity demands a continual fraternal sharing about personal and communal experiences of the Paschal Mystery. How is the Glorious Cross revealed in our daily lives? How do we appropriate the patrimony of eight centuries of pilgrimage along this path? How can we explain well--Crosier to Crosier and Crosiers to the world--this redemptive dynamic? How can we better accompany our brothers and sisters to the victory while they may still be finding themselves on the dark side of the Cross experience? How can we discern where to go with our message of hope? How can we prepare to go there? To become the image of Christ “in passover” from death to resurrection in the contemporary world demands of us a life of prayer and dialogue, the discipline of study and work and a commitment of availability and compassion.
Without a cane, the old person is very weak. (Kusu)
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