Sunday, June 11, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation June 11

Community  June 11

Unity with one another is an inescapable demand for those who are on the way to God (Const. 3.1).

Accepting all other believers (and even all of humanity) with fraternal love is the consequence of knowing the love of God in Jesus.  Every person who is born anew in Christ is a child of God and brother or sister to all the other children of God.  There is only one house, only one family before God.  For that reason, to love Christ is to love one’s brothers and sisters.  God does not make distinctions between his children.  They come from every race, nation and tribe. The Christians among them have the same attitude as God:  to love of all humanity without prejudice.  May our love for one another lighten the loads of our brothers and sisters among whom we live, whatever their origins.  May our witness to fraternal love convince people in other corners of the world to love as Jesus did.  May our recognition of Jesus in the various faces of everyone diminish the suffering caused by racism, nationalism and tribalism.  May we always remain faithful to the commandment of Jesus, so as to know God, “for God is love.”

It's not that there isn´t room in the country; it's that hearts are closed.  (Burundi)

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