Saturday, June 24, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation June 24

Community  June 24

And let everything I have said about not fixing one’s gaze be also observed carefully and faithfully with regard to other offenses: to find them out, to ward them off, to make them known, to prove and punish them -- all out of love for man and a hatred for sin (Rule of Augustine, 28).

It’s risky being a prophet.  To do fraternal correction demands an evangelical integrity that loves persons and detests their sins.  What attitudes are necessary to keep fraternal correction from becoming self-serving?  First of all, the person who does the correction is only an instrument of God.  That means that every act of fraternal correction should be preceded by prayer.  The evaluation of a person needs to be that of God.  One must have the wisdom of God.  Humility!  The evaluation of the person correcting is provisional:  it is not possible to know the depth of someone´s heart or to make an eternal judgment of the person.  Prudence!  The person always remains a child of God, despite sin.  One can never speak disrespectfully.  Gentleness!  Fraternal correction seeks the welfare of the individual and, because the person is a member of the community, also the welfare of the group.  Responsibility is called for.  Courage!  Finally, according to St. Augustine, it is better to promote the unity of the community than to correct faults.  Confidence!

Bury the dead person, but don't reject the one who is thin.  (Burundi)

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