Saturday, October 14, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation October 14

Liturgy  October 14

In order that we learn to pray and that our prayer deepen and mature, we must be willing to make the effort to create an atmosphere of quiet in our communities (Const. 16.2).

Among the most constant elements in the history of the Order is the ambiance of prayer in the community.  The first Crosiers at Clairlieu followed a rather strict contemplative way of life, centered on the liturgy and protected by their first community statutes.  These Crosiers were a community of prayer with activity.  Despite more lax times later, the commitment to a contemplative life remained strong until the sixteenth century when, facing the challenge of Protestantism, the community felt obligated to be more apostolically involved.  The accent on liturgical prayer weakened in favor of personal prayer, which itself needed the support of statutes to sustain it.  Crosier prayer life continued its decline until the nineteenth century when the ambiance of prayer was given new importance.  But it was clear that the Crosiers had evolved toward a community of prayer and activity, that is, the “mixed life.”  Today the Order promotes a strong ambiance of prayer, with care at the same time for active involvement in the realization of the Kingdom of God in the world.  The communities discern for themselves a style of life characterized by calm, naturalness in fraternal life, Scripture reading, personal and community recollection and ascetical practice that is attuned to the times.

Marriage is made in silence, free love in amusement and noise.  (Mali)

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