Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Parable and Conscience Meditation October 18

Liturgy  October 18

We must listen without ceasing to the word of God, which gives depth to human life (Const. 16.3).

Blessed are you, O Christ, Word of the living God,
            You, our Banquet of Wisdom!  
Assembled at the Table of the Eucharist,
            we venerate your presence in the reading
            of the marvels in the history of our salvation,
            read by simple brothers and sisters. 
Accept our psalm of gratitude.
Standing in anticipation of your appearance, we chant:
            Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
We communicate with your person
            in the proclamation of the Gospel by your ministers.
            The Gospel of the Lord!
            Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
You teach us the contemporary practice of the Word
            through the sharing of our pastor.
Inspired, we proclaim:
            We believe in one God, in one Lord, in the Spirit!
With confidence we pray:
            hear your Church, your world, all your brothers and sisters!

The chicken coop is the hen’s refuge.  (Batetela)

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